To achieve a net-zero public sector in Wales by 2030, we must start changing the way we purchase, use, repair and dispose of our goods and services. Funded by the Welsh Government, WRAP Cymru has been providing free sustainable procurement support to public sector organisations in Wales since 2016.
Strategic support is offered to embed sustainability and low carbon principles into procurement strategies and activities. This can help Welsh public bodies to meet the Well-being Goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (WFG Act) and will be a critical component of creating a net-zero public sector in Wales by 2030 through the reduction of scope 3 emissions (those related to the purchase of goods and services).
Circular procurement webinar - sign up now!
WRAP Cymru would like to invite you to a series of training webinars and lunch and learn sessions dealing with insights into Welsh circular procurement.
Funded by Welsh Government to support the Welsh public sector to embed sustainable and low carbon principles in procurement, the presentations will cover how we can lever this powerful strategic tool to deliver low carbon solutions, promote the circular economy, and bring economic and social benefits to Wales.
To meet the Welsh Government’s ambitious goals and strategies of a net-zero public sector, we will present a number of webinars that will highlight the benefits of a circular economy, from a high level introduction to the concepts of sustainable procurement and ‘buying better’ with a focus on value, to evaluation techniques and specific markets and categories.
Join us in these engaging and informative sessions to explore general principles along with overviews of specific areas covered by WRAP guidance, which have been updated in light of the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023 (SPPP) and the UK Procurement Act 2023.
We will be running the introduction to circular procurement session four times, giving several opportunities for those who would like to join this training session – this session will only be delivered and available live so be sure to sign up to one of the below dates. All lunch & learn sessions will be recorded and available on the WRAP Cymru website.
Who should attend:
Public sector professionals, suppliers, policymakers, and stakeholders involved in procurement processes across Wales.
Join us in February and March to learn and discover:
- An introduction to circular procurement: 5 February
- Lunch & Learn: Sustainable Procurement of Textiles and Furniture: 12 February
- An introduction to circular procurement: 20 February
- Lunch & Learn: Sustainable Construction Procurement: 26 February
- Lunch & Learn: Sustainable Procurement Strategies: 5 March
- An introduction to circular procurement: 11 March
- Lunch & Learn: Sustainable Procurement and Early Market Engagement: 19 March
- An introduction to circular procurement: 27 March
What support is available?
Funded strategic support is available to the public sector in Wales to:
- design and review policies and implement strategies to increase organisational ability to procure in a low carbon and resource efficient manner;
- drive cultural change to embed sustainable procurement across departments and organisations.
The Welsh public sector spends approximately £8billion each year on goods and services. As such, there is significant opportunity for public bodies to use procurement to influence and achieve positive environmental, economic, and social outcomes, as set out in the WFG Act.
This approach aligns with the Welsh Government’s Procurement Policy and Beyond Recycling strategy. The strategy consists of eight ambitious headline objectives to accelerate Wales’ journey towards a circular economy and obligates the Welsh public sector to prioritise the use of recycled, re-used and re-manufactured content in products purchased.
Taking a sustainable approach to procurement also aligns with the ‘Prosperity for All: A Low Carbon Wales’ delivery plan, which sets out a commitment for the public sector to decarbonise by 2030. This will require a fundamental change in the way goods and services are procured. Decisions taken now – in addition to longer-term procurement strategies – will influence the ability of the public sector to meet this commitment.
In collaboration with specialist consultants, WRAP Cymru offers a range of services including:
- The Sustainable Procurement Maturity Review, to benchmark your organisation’s sustainable procurement practices and receive specific recommendations to improve and embed sustainable and low carbon procurement.
- Workshops with procurers and suppliers to raise sustainable awareness, explore best practice and identify solutions to enable low carbon procurement.
- Training for procurement staff on the principles and practice of procuring re-used products and products containing recycled content and life cycle impact assessment.
- Strategic spend reviews to identify opportunities and produce procurement strategies to source more re-used products or products containing recycled content, using a target, measure, act approach.
- Assisting in the production of sustainability specifications, KPIs and criteria for use in procurement exercises.
- Producing bespoke contract management tools, and training procurers and suppliers on how to use them to enable accurate evaluation, monitoring, reporting and management of supplier performance against specific environmental objectives.
- Options modelling to identify opportunities and strategic priorities (such as influencing factors including cost savings, carbon savings, materials reduction, delivery against the Well-being Goals etc.).
- Producing guidance and case studies for ongoing promotion and best practice.
How to request strategic support for your public sector organisation
To request support or to simply find out more, please email the team directly at
We also encourage you to read the below case studies, which highlight examples of best practice and includes a link to our most recent public sector guidance documents.
Case studies
Procurement of ‘second life’ furniture for the WLGA and WCVA
Towards a Circular Economy in NHS Wales: Mobility Equipment Repair and Reconditioning
Using Warp-it to achieve more sustainable procurement at Hywel Dda University Health Board
Natural Resources Wales: Sustainable Procurement of Trees
Comparing Milk Packaging Options for Monmouthshire Primary Schools
Comparing Milk Packaging Options for Pembrokeshire Primary Schools
National Procurement Service - Delivering Wellbeing Goals through procurement
Embedding circularity in Swansea Council’s Civic Centre Office Refurbishment
An Inspirational & Collaborative Workplace for Public Health Wales
An Introduction to Whole Life Costing
Giving Furniture a Second Life
Sustainable Procurement Early Market Engagement Guidance
Sustainable Procurement Hierarchy Guidance
Public sector guidance on the procurement of sustainable products
Public sector guidance on the procurement of plastics
Low Carbon & Resource Efficient Construction Procurement