This study was conducted to provide Welsh Government and WRAP Cymru up-to-date data on the composition of mixed residual commercial and industrial (C&I) waste in Wales. The main objective was to estimate the proportion of the residual waste produced in Wales which could be avoided through recycling or composting.

The survey analysed 108 samples of residual waste, accounting for 26 tonnes of material: 13 of waste landfilled directly, 60 destined for energy recovery and 35 from transfer stations. 64 were identified as commercial waste, six were identified as industrial waste and the remaining 38 were mixed C&I waste.

Main changes since 2007

  • An increase in the proportion of plastics (7.9%)
  • An increase in the proportion of organic matter (2.9%)
  • A decrease in the proportion of paper & board (6.6%)
  • A decrease in the proportion of miscellaneous waste (3.1%)

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  • WRAP-commercial-and-industrial-waste-2020.pdf

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