1 December 2021 Guide

Circular Materials Mapping Tool for Wales - Where to get help

The following organisations are available to support you:

These organisations can provide information and support on waste management to help you to contribute to the circular economy within Wales.

  • WRAP Cymru - Find articles, advice and support on waste materials, their value and opportunities for re-use and recycling of waste.
  • Natural Resources Wales (NRW) - Find out how waste and manufacturing sites are regulated.
  • NRW Public Register - Check the licence of any waste operators in your supply chain.
  • Circular Materials Map - return to the materials map to find sites who process waste materials, recycle plastic and paper wastes into new products and manufacture new plastic and paper products.
  • My Recycling Wales – Funded by Welsh Government and managed WRAP, this website allows you to browse Welsh local authorities and see what happens to local authority-collected recycling, within the UK and even around the world.

If you have any queries about the tool, or would like to add (or update) the details of your business in the Mapping Tool please contact us at Resources.Wales@wrap.org.uk