This report is a summary of actions aimed at fostering a universal culture of repair and re-use in Wales by 2050 for stakeholder consultation. Recognising the urgent need for repair and re-use practices in the face of environmental and resource challenges, the document outlines actionable steps across Welsh stakeholders and sectors.


Currently, the practice of buying new, using briefly, and disposing is widespread in Wales, as it is in the rest of the UK and other wealthy, Western countries. 

While the mass production of products, such as clothes, phones and household items, has meant more variety, less cost and greater accessibility, it has also led to significant damage to the environment. Globally, 45% of emissions are attributable to this ‘take-make-use-dispose-repeat’ model. 

The ’Beyond Recycling Strategy’ in Wales aspires to change this trajectory by moving towards “a universal culture of re-use, repair and remanufacture within our communities and town centres.” Welsh Government’s Programme for Government 2021-2026 commits to develop “80 repair and re-use hubs in town centres” and “promote repair and re-use facilities to encourage zero-waste shopping.”

As part of this wider repair and re-use work, Welsh Government commissioned WRAP to research and produce a set of actions that are needed to move us towards a universal culture of repair and re-use. This document outlines the immediate actions needed towards fostering a repair and re-use culture in Wales, emphasising the need for responsibility and action beyond government.

The report is intended to form a Routemap for Wales’ vision but requires further consultation with stakeholders.

The path ahead

The report outlines seven primary categories for actions. The categories comprise 17 action groups total.

  1. Set up for success. These are important foundational actions, which cut across categories and can help facilitate others.
  2. Raise awareness and communicate benefits. Increasing the capability and motivation of people to repair and re-use products depends on effective awareness and communication of the benefits of their actions.
  3. Public sector leadership. Wales can leverage its devolved powers, showing progress at sub-national level and calling for required change in policies in the UK and internationally.
  4. Increase coverage and accessibility. To participate in repair and re-use practices, citizens and stakeholders need to be able to easily access services, information and tools necessary.
  5. Partnerships for collaboration. Building trust between businesses, public sector organisations and other organisations in the repair and re-use sector will maximise opportunities for prosperity from collaboration.
  6. Repair and re-use as the driver of circular business. Moving from selling goods to providing them as a service or to services to prolong the life of those goods will make it easier for their customers to choose repair and re-use.
  7. Lifelong learning for repair and re-use. Continuous upskilling in formal education and career pathways will ensure that the effectiveness of repair and re-use skills are maintained in a rapidly evolving landscape.

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  • Towards A Universal Culture of Repair and Re-use in Wales

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